Strategic Planning Topic of February Dinner Meeting
Economy and Interest Rates Featured at Mini-Session
The Chapter’s February meeting featured a pair of
informative educational sessions presented by two quality
speakers. The event was held at the Stony Hill Inn in
Hackensack on Wednesday, February 22, 2012.
George Millward, Managing Director from the Kafafian Group,
presented Strategic Planning in the Age of Uncertainty
following the full course dinner. The Economy, the Fed and
Interest Rates were the topics of the afternoon mini-session
presented by Matthew Resch CFA, Managing Director from the
Ambassador Financial Group. The cocktail hour followed the
mini-session which gave Members the opportunity to exchange
ideas while enjoying their favorite cocktail along with an
endless array of tasty hors d’oeuvres served by the expert
staff at the Stony Hill Inn.
George Millward emphasized the overall approach to
strategic planning as “Plan your work; work your Plan”, a
saying made famous by Ed Crump, Boss of Memphis, Tennessee
during the 1920s. George noted the negative connotation
toward strategic planning expressed by many executives: it’s
something they do when they “have to” or when the examiners
“push them”.
He noted how financial managers are facing
ever-increasing pressures from the uncertain economic
environment that require careful planning to navigate. He
noted how the industry dynamics will change resulting in
lower profit levels for banks and mergers of small banks
will create fewer, but larger banks.
He stressed the importance of
strategic planning considering the current economic climate.
He then outlined the critical steps the financial manager
should consider to formulate the basic planning process,
which included the following:
- Survey your
environment, capabilities and risk tolerance;
- Establish
an overall mission statement;
- Define the
critical issues;
- Build
objectives, goals and tasks;
- Develop financial projections to
meet your objectives.
George discussed the key elements of each of the steps in
the planning process. He touched on the current economic
environment, an overview of the financial industry in the
metropolitan area, the continuing adverse effects the
industry faces from the economic fallout and that the long
expected industry consolidation has yet to happen.
He then discussed the challenges in the current
regulatory environment and he emphasized the regulator’s
continued philosophy that “capital is king”. George
explained the common criticisms that examiners have
expressed concerning institutions’ strategic plans and the
steps the financial manager can take to avoid them.
He concluded by emphasizing the importance of making the
development and updating of your strategic plan a part of
your normal financial reporting process.
In the afternoon Mini-Session, Matthew Resch presented an
expert view on the current economy, the trend in interest
rates and the effect of the Federal Reserve Bank’s (The
“Fed”) monetary policy will have on each. Matthew noted that
although the current U.S. economy remains mixed and has
improved over recent months, there is much work to be done.
He explained the Fed’s dual mandate of maximum employment
and stable prices as well as the monetary tools the Fed is
utilizing to measure and set monetary policy. He concluded
by summarizing the resulting effects on loan and investment
portfolios and the corresponding strategies to improve
Topics and Speakers
Strategic Planning in the Age of Uncertainty
The Economy, the Fed
and Interest Rates
This Photo

Attendees hard at work "earning" CPE credits during the afternoon Mini-Session..