Chapter President Steve Feehan welcomes Members and guests to the Installation Dinner Dance.1 Past Chapter President Cindi Rand offers the traditional invocation before the formal festivities begin.2 Myron Gellman, from the Mercadien Group performs a toast to introduce Salvatore Zerilli as incoming Chapter President.3 Family members and fellow officers raise a toast to incoming President Salvatore Zerilli (center-left)4 Incoming President Salvatore Zerilli smiles with spouse Toni following a toast in his honor.5 Danielle Holland, FMS National Chapter President, prepares to install the NY/NJ Chapter Officers for 2018-19.6 The incoming slate of Chapter Officers is introduced (l.-r.) Suny Mellawa (Secretary), Amy Wheatley (Treasurer), and Adriano Duarte (Vice-President).7 The incoming slate of Chapter Officers take the oath of office (l.-r.) Suny Mellawa (Secretary), Amy Wheatley (Treasurer), and Adriano Duarte (Vice-President).8 Incumbent Chapter President Steve Feehan thanks the Membership for their support during the past year.9 Chapter President Steve Feehan presents Secretary Amy Wheatley with a Certificate of Appreciation for her successful efforts in regard to the Chapters recent Casino Night Benefit for Lupus.10 Danielle Holland, FMS National Chapter President, introduces incoming Chapter President Salvatore Zerilli.11 Danielle Holland, FMS National Chapter President, preapres to install Salvatore Zerilli as Chapter President.12 Salvatore Zerilli takes the oath of office as Chapter President.13 Salvatore Zerilli takes the oath of office as Chapter President.14 Salvatore Zerilli takes the oath of office as Chapter President.15 Newly installed Chapter President Salvatore Zerilli thanks all those who made this night possible.16 Chapter Past Presidents are introduced (l.-r.) Steve Feehan, Brian McCourt and Andriette Mathews.17 Chapter Past Presidents are introduced (l.-r.) Cindi Rand, Robert Currie, Steve Fusco, Jim Montagne, Maureen Kalena.18 Newly installed Chapter President Salvatore Zerilli is joined by the Chapter Past Presidents in attendance.19 Chapter Past President Tom Kemly thanks Steve Feehan for a successful term as Chapter President.20 Chapter Past President Tom Kemly thanks Steve Feehan for a successful term as Chapter President.21 Steve Feehan, Immediate Chapter Past-President, thanks the Membership for making his term as President a success.22 Steve Feehan, Immediate Chapter Past-President, thanks the Membership for making his term as President a success.23 Steve Feehan, Immediate Chapter Past-President, thanks the Membership for making his term as President a success.24 Steve Feehan is congratulated by his wife Katie following a successful term as Chapter President.25 A bouquet of colorful flowers was presented to Katie Feehan.26 Aspiring vocalist Sara Zerilli treated the audience to a splendid rendition of an opera classic.27
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Photos by David Lauwe - Meta4 Communications

Installation of Officers Photo Gallery

Chapter Officers were installed for the 2018-19 fiscal year. The traditional induction ceremony was performed by National Chapter President Danielle Holland. A special toast was offered to the Chapter's success!

Cocktail Reception

Cocktail Reception

Members enjoyed a gala cocktail reception featuring an open bar and a wide range of fabulous appetizers high atop the Eagle Rock Reservation which offered an incredible view of the New York city skyline in the distance.

Dirty Dancing I

Dirty Dancing I

Newly installed Chapter President Salvatore Zerilli took to the dance floor with his wife and family to celebrate. The Chapter's Officers and Members joined in to enjoy the evening. 

Dirty Dancing II

Dirty Dancing II

Members formed an enormous dance line and paraded to the beat! Chapter Past Presidents and Members joined the action. The moments were captured for posterity!

Dirty Dancing III

Dirty Dancing III

The ladies stole the camera and captured some very choice moments with the Chapter photographer. It is very clear that everyone enjoyed this dance!