Chapter President Sal Zerilli (c.) and spouse Toni enjoy blackjack with friends.1 Blackjack is so much FUN!2 Lucky 2 is the winner!3 Bob Pabst shows Amy Wheatley how to rule the roulette wheel.4 The winners photo-op!5 These ladies enjoy dessert and coffee after a long night of fun!6 Chapter Past President Joe Cocarro enjoys roulette with Kimberley Kent.7 Place your bets!8 Chapter Past President Joe Cocarro enjoys roulette with Kimberley Kent.9 Kimberley shows her winning smile.10 Chapter Past President Steve Feehan (r.) enjoys blackjack.11 Blackjack is serious business!12 Valued prize: Stress Relief!13
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Photos by David Lauwe - Meta4 Communications

Casino Games III Photo Gallery

Counting chips was the financial management challenge of the evening.  Everyone enjoyed a fun evening and earned valuable prizes. Winning was never a gamble!

Casino Games I

Casino Games I

Members enjoyed a wide range of casino games, including roulette, blackjack and poker. The Brownstone served a fabulous buffet dinner while members were treated to their favorite beverage at the open bar that lasted throughout the evening.

Casino Games II

Casino Games II

High stakes poker, blackjack and roulette provided members with an exciting evening of challenging casino games. Win or lose everyone went home with a big smile!

Prizes and Awards Winners!

Prizes and Awards Winners!

Members' winnings were exchanged for valuable prizes donated by the generous sponsors of the Casino Night event. View the prizes and the winners! Although members earned valuable prizes, the Lupus Foundation and HomeSharing were the biggest winners!