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Chapter Holds Annual Installation Dinner-Dance
Chapter Officers Installed for 2016-2017
The NY/NJ Chapter of the Financial Managers Society recently held the Chapter’s Annual Installation-Dinner Dance which featured the installation of the Chapter’s Officers for the 2016-17 fiscal year. The dinner was held at the Graycliff in Moonachie, NJ on Friday, June 3, 2016. A host of Past Chapter Presidents, community banking executives and Chapter sponsors were on hand to witness the traditional installation ceremony and welcome the new Chapter leadership team. Members and guests gathered for a stylish cocktail reception and enjoyed the opportunity to relish an endless array of fabulous appetizers along with sparkling wine and fine conversation. The installation ceremony was followed by a sumptuous full-course dinner. Members danced the night away to the incredible live musical entertainment provided by The Infernos, America’s #1 Showband!

Brian McCourt, incumbent Chapter President thanked the Members for their support over the past year and welcomed all in attendance. After Members stood for the traditional Pledge of Allegiance, Past Chapter President Cindi Rand, Senior Vice President, Vining Sparks IBG provided the solemn invocation. Chapter President Brian McCourt returned to the podium to introduce guests of the Chapter.

Tal Scheer is installed as Chapter President by Fred Viaud.
Chapter Officers (l.-r.) Adriano Duarte, Salvatore Zerilli and Stephen Feehan are installed for 2016-17.
Newly installed Immediate Past President Brian McCourt remarks on his term as Chapter President.
Brian then induced Past Chapter President Fred Viaud, Executive Vice President, Glen Rock Savings Bank who then announced the following slate of Chapter Officers for the 2016-2017 fiscal year:
President Tal Scheer
Crowe Horwath LLP

Vice President Stephen Feehan
Columbia Bank

  Treasurer Salvatore Zerilli
Managing Director
The Mercadien Group

  Secretary Adriano Duarte
Treasury Manager, First Vice President
Sussex Bank

  Immediate Past President Brian J. McCourt
Senior Vice President and CFO
Bogota Savings Bank

Fred then installed the Chapter’s Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer for the upcoming year.

Brian McCourt then addressed the Membership to thank the Membership and his fellow Officers for their support during his tenure in office as well as review the accomplishments of the Chapter during the past year. Brian then introduced Wendy Cama, Partner, Crowe Horwath who welcomed Tal Scheer as Chapter President and offered a champagne toast to his success in office.

Fred Viaud then formally installed Tal Scheer as Chapter President.

The Chapter’s new leadership team received a warm reception from the entire audience of Members and guests in attendance.

Tal addressed the Membership and provided his opening remarks as incoming Chapter President. Tal first thanked his parents who were in attendance for their support and thanked the Membership for the opportunity to serve the Chapter during the upcoming year.

A full course dinner followed the formal ceremonies. Members enjoyed a long night of dancing to the fabulous musical entertainment music provided by The Infernos allowing Members and guests to celebrate the induction of the Chapter’s Officers and continue the Chapter’s long tradition of success.

A photo slideshow featuring highlights from previous Chapter Installation Dinners as captured by the Chapter's roving photographer was displayed throughout the evening on a large projection screen next to the podium. View the slidehow in PDF format.

Relive photo highlights of this year's Installation Dinner-Dance in the photo galleries below.

Photo Galleries

Cocktail Reception

Installation of Officers

Presidential "Roast(s)"

Dirty Dancing - Part I

Dirty Dancing - Part II

Dirty Dancing - Part III

 FMS Photo Store

Visit the FMS Photo Store  on the Meta4 Communications photo website to download any of the photos in the photo galleries above or share on social media (facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) The store includes addtional photos and interesting "outakes" that may be "unfit for publication"! You can also order prints in virtually any size shipped directly to your location.

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